This is the third Urban Pixie Journal formerly referred to as plexi glass mini journals. Each one has proved challenging in a different way. I suppose the challenge is part of the fun, though. I am so happy when I complete one because I know the intricacies of its creation and love it even more for its complications!
I got the best compliment of all when Marci noticed them lined up on the coffee table, picked one up to examine and said something to the effect that it was cool (or whatever word teens use now to express approval). Generally when others feel moved enough to comment on my art they say something about how creative I am. My first response is always to assure them they are also creative. Humans are creative by nature. Each day we create our experiences by how we respond to events or the activities we choose to engage in. We can choose kindness, patience, forgiveness or sarcasm, self pity or fear. We can choose to hang out with friends, daydream, clean or a million other things. Just the choosing of activities and attitudes is an act of creation.
However, I realize that is not what people mean when they say I am creative. They are noticing I make things that have never been made quite that way before.
I create whimsical artsy objects because it is FUN. Creating whimsy whether in art or words is how I play. Daydreaming is also play for me and generally it all mixes together in a way that makes my soul laugh. So I think that is what I feel people are validating for me when they say I am creative-they are saying they notice my soul laughing. And then my response is for their soul to also laugh. Is that too much to ask?
Humans by nature are very creative. It just takes a creative person to notice the creativeness that is their life. Take our fro-yo the other day... how creative was that?
It was much fun, that's for sure. A good question to ask oneself is what would be the most fun for me to do right now? Of course, that is not always possible when paying the bills or cleaning the bathroom but still...
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