Creativity Run Amok
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Conspiracy Theory # 1: The Empty Nest
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Queen of the Scorched Earth
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Personal Fairytale
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Write Away
Easy enough except that it isn't. My first try was a boring list of vignettes filled with preachy aphorisms. Yech! My second try was better as I went with the fairytale aspect and created a fictional yet true story. It is more than two pages long but then I wrote it long hand in a 9"x 6" journally book so who knows how long it is typed. I will share it in my next blog but I sprained my left hand today. It is now wrapped in an Ace bandage so typing is tiresome at best. In the meantime why not try your hand at writing your own personal fairytale? It is fun and ever so illuminating but I mustn't give anything away. Write away!
ps: Turns out it wasn't just typing it but rewriting it, of course! So that makes the third try--three times the charm!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dog Days of Summer
Monday, July 11, 2011
Magical Thinking

My current dilemma is what to call them. I was torn between urban pixie and urban fairy. My own little pixie (Marci sporting a new haircut!) picks one up daily to just flip through it told me they didn't seem pixie at all but very fairy. Both monikers are equally magical.
I know there are many people who do not believe in the magical world. I understand this as a war between science and religion but I say can't we all be friends? Remember Shakespeare , "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy". Any moment can be marvelously miraculous...smiles between strangers, a grasshopper jumping in the door when you arrive home, a blackbird cawing good morning. I guess, in the end, it is not about what is believed but what is allowed, even encouraged to bloom in your heart... and that, dear reader, is magical.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Urban Pixie Journal # 3

This is the third Urban Pixie Journal formerly referred to as plexi glass mini journals. Each one has proved challenging in a different way. I suppose the challenge is part of the fun, though. I am so happy when I complete one because I know the intricacies of its creation and love it even more for its complications!
I got the best compliment of all when Marci noticed them lined up on the coffee table, picked one up to examine and said something to the effect that it was cool (or whatever word teens use now to express approval). Generally when others feel moved enough to comment on my art they say something about how creative I am. My first response is always to assure them they are also creative. Humans are creative by nature. Each day we create our experiences by how we respond to events or the activities we choose to engage in. We can choose kindness, patience, forgiveness or sarcasm, self pity or fear. We can choose to hang out with friends, daydream, clean or a million other things. Just the choosing of activities and attitudes is an act of creation.
However, I realize that is not what people mean when they say I am creative. They are noticing I make things that have never been made quite that way before.
I create whimsical artsy objects because it is FUN. Creating whimsy whether in art or words is how I play. Daydreaming is also play for me and generally it all mixes together in a way that makes my soul laugh. So I think that is what I feel people are validating for me when they say I am creative-they are saying they notice my soul laughing. And then my response is for their soul to also laugh. Is that too much to ask?
Saturday, July 9, 2011

The mini plexi glass journal turned out fabulous! It was a bit tricky because I had to figure out how to make the binding. I wanted to add pictures to show the various steps but it looks like I am going to have to consult with Natalie for that.
First I had to cut out the pages which took several trims to get right. Then four sheets are stapled together to make a signature. All the signatures are pressed together and their end sections glotted with glue and the endpiece attached. I then cut out the cloth binding, glued it on, added a ribbon to hide the ragged edges, clamping the whole shebang at each stage.Finally I cleaned it all up and a beautiful little book is created.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Speaking of Books...

Today I spent the day with my niece, Natalie. Niece is an odd word as it conjures up the image of a person much younger than one's self. It is true she is almost half my age but that does not seem to matter now that she is a young woman. She is mostly a great friend. I can talk to her about anything and do!
Today we mostly swam back and forth in her pool talking about books and such after she helped me spice up this blog. We talked about how if one is forced to read a classic it can ruin the book yet at other times not. If I had not been forced to read a book such as Tale of Two Cities I might have missed out on a truly great book. My daughter, Marci, however hates To Kill a Mockingbird which she was coerced into reading several different times. This is very sad. There have been several books that I did not particularly enjoy in the reading but I am glad to have read anyways. The ones that come to mind are Crime and Punishment, Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, and the autobiography of Saint Therese. Do not look for a pattern here!
Lastly, Nat and I went shopping where at Marshall's I commented I do not like boxes that are shaped like books because I feel they are a trick. You think it is a book and open it up to find it empty. What I would like is a box that you open only to joyously discover it is really a book!I was also attracted by the pocketbooks because, well, they look like books!
Hopefully, Natalie will come to my place next time and I will teach her how to re-purpose an existing book into a journal. In fact, my current project is to make a mini book with plexi glass samples. It is in its early stages and if I can figure out how to upload the picture you will see it now and later you will see the finished project. (I did get it to post! Yay!)
So whether it is reading books, creating your own book or learning the intricacies of notebook computers it always about books in the end. I once had a dream where angels were showing me a holographic book of my life. They seemed to find it very interesting but had some editing comments they felt compelled to share with me! Oh, well. I am glad I am the heroine of my life as a book. I am also so happy to have such a colorful and delightful cast of characters sharing my book with me and am honored that I am in their books. My hope is that we all live our lives so that they make a fun read in heaven. Live your life like a book that no one will feel forced to read-what a novel idea!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Soul to Keep
My Soul to Keep
What happens when we journey deep into the depths of our misshapen soul?
Is it a place we shouldn’t really go?
Mine is full of tarry pits, dark corridors that turn and twist
Quicksand and slippery slopes
Phantoms ,demons and poisonous toads.
Most people think souls are white and clean
But mine is full of holes and cobwebs that cling
There are piles of bile and hateful gnats
That sting and bite like rabid bats.
It is really a scary place to be…
How did it get this way? It wasn’t me
It wasn’t me who called me names
Who swathed me in ugly shame
It wasn’t me who slapped my face
Or made fun of me for saying grace
I wasn’t the sadist that betrayed my love
Or tormented my trust like they were salting a slug.
No, it wasn’t me that made the mess
It isn’t me that needs to confess.
It wasn’t me that caused the tarnish
But it’s up to me to clean and varnish
But to refute the evil is a quirky trick
As if I were the witch that has to be pricked
There is no evil in me, that’s part of the charade
I m the earth, not the road they paved
My soul is really pure and whole
The scene above is a tale of trolls
God forgives me for sins I did not do
But this forgiveness means everything so I believe its true
It’s been a valiant expedition into my soul
Not a place for the timid to go
And I can’t say its suddenly shiny and bright
But at least I know now how to better focus the light
I wouldn’t be me without the life I’ve had
And truthfully, good has outweighed the bad
But when one goes deep inside
Where all the fears slither and hide
then ghastly scenes are what you find
that you then excavate and mine
to make room for the love that you might otherwise miss
if not for renovating the secret abyss
And now I’m tired and just want to sleep
I pray to God my soul to keep.