life is

Friday, June 13, 2008

Giddy uP and Away we go!

Today I mailed off A Horse of Another Color to a possible publisher! Here is part of the cover letter-

Picture a blue horse on the Kansas prairie in the 1930’s. Can you imagine the colorful adventures he would have? Envision Cecil. He joins a traveling circus with characters named Starlit, Wanderfool, and Lanky Hank. He suffers cruelty at the hands of the ruddy-faced man but escapes in the most ingenious way. He joins an earth colored rainbow band of horses and valiantly leads them out of a dust storm.
A Horse of Another Color (approx. 12,00 words) deals with the developmental, social issues relevant to 7 to 12 year olds in a fun and imaginative way. Cecil learns about prejudice, exploitation, the many faces of love, and what freedom/independence really means. It is the story of a horse who leaves home wanting nothing more than a return to family but finds that life experiences change his vision of what home is.

I do think this book is good and will soon be published. See, this is me practicing the Secret, visualizing success! Yes? And to be most honest I do think Cecil, as I call the ms. will sell. I am not sure when but it is exciting, tight, and well, colorful. It has to become a real book because I know in the deepest, most pointed parts of my soul that it is meant to be read by many.

So to Cecil, giddy up and away we go across the prairie and into the homes of a million good boy and girls. Bad ones, too, I don't care. Nor does Cecil, he is not prejudiced, you see.

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