life is

Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Finale

Whoa! What a finale that was! What a moment of joy to hear David Cook's name announced! Of course, it is totally deserved and right that he won but because of the negative comments the night before from the judges I didn't expect it. And I don't think Cook's performances on Tuesday night were his best but he does rock and I am so glad he won! Yeah for Kansas City and Blue Springs!!
And the rest of the show- well, I liked it. I know the critics have panned it- all the old acts, the silly promotions of movies and all. Maybe this shows my age but I enjoyed the performances. I loved seeing ZZ Top. What a treat it was for Brooke to get to sing with Graham Nash. I am certain she will get a record deal. And the Mike Myers movie looks very funny. Maybe one has to be a rabid fan of Mike Myers to appreciate his crazy guru character- who knew?
So all's well that ends well. Another season of American Idol over and this tme I will be excited to watch how the contestants progress in "real" life.

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