life is

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Surprises Indeed

In my last post I noted that life is full of surprises. Imagine my surprise then when my Jeep wouldn't start while we were parked at Sonic 15 miles from home last night. There was no surprise in realizing I couldn't fix it but I was surprised that the nice death metal drummer sent by Triple A couldn't jump it. Yet, he tells me he can jump on stage and has been known to play drums for four hours straight at an illegal 172 decibels with his band The Agony of I- the hours being straight, not him as he likes to indulge in chemicals, surprise, surprise. The sweet, pierced flatbed tow truck driver could not start the Jeep either but he did figure out how to roll up the electric windows so no need for trash bags and duct tape. 36 dollars later we found ourselves back home.
Of course, the story does not end there but goes on to include having to cancel my doctor's appointment for today, our repair man not being able to pick up the Jeep from our house until mid morning as his employees were all either late, on vacation or otherwise not there. This meant my husband could not drive me to work. Meanwhile I was now plagued by a number of physical ailments I won't agonize you or I with enumerating, but suffice it to say I couldn't go to work even if I had my Jeep.
The good news is that when we are flexible and trust in God emergencies are no more than surprises. When I set my intentions for the day and say quick prayers I think I have been clear I want HAPPY surprises but who can figure out the will of God?
I will end with a happy surprise so that you can leave this blog in a good mood. I have become better with technology and now there is a link on the upper right hand corner of this page where you can click to see my Myspace blog where I plan to share more personal events and in the future this blog will be more focused on issues other than the travails of my brilliantly lived crazy life.
Repeat with me, "Dear God, today, if it is alright with You I ask for HAPPY surprises!"

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