life is

Friday, May 30, 2008

Goals Shining LIke Sparkly Stars

What would life be like without goals? We might just wander aimlessly through the forest of life tripping over acorns and munching on questionable mushrooms. More likely we would fall into a deep sleep with no dreams which sounds too close to death to be worth it. So I have goals. The most recent goals that I have accomplished have been mundane which I find are the trickiest as there is so little motivation to pursue them.
The goals I have accomplished are
1. getting the oil changed in my Jeep
2. making an appointment for Jack to get his "big boy" operation.
More fun goals are
1. to sell my bags, cartoons and assorted handmade books at City Market
2. to send out Horse of Another Color to potential publishers
3. to complete a baby blanket I am making for a co-worker
4. to write a companion book to Fantastical Tales for the Heroine's Quest

The wonder of goals is that they can shine like sparkly stars leading you through the day. They are not the same as responsibilities and, at best, do not come burdened with pressure. At least the goals I like best. And if one doesn't like a goal then why keep it?
That is the beauty of life- we create what we want with the caveat that if we cannot see how to get from Here to There it is unlikely we will be magically transported to There. Except sometimes we are. Always believe but mostly Do.

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