life is

Thursday, May 29, 2008

LIttle Prayers Coming True

And as I asked yesterday for HAPPY surprises so it came to be. Last night taking Jack for a walk I was turning back because I don't like to go too far at night when I saw a figure in the shadows. It was my husband, Jim coming to walk with me which he NEVER does. We turned back around and went on a very nice walk in the dark discussing politics and the state of the world. It was one of those little things in a day that make it special. And then once home I was dreading having to put the sheets, etc back on our bed and my daughter Marci's bed. Since I had been home sick and with no car I had done some laundry. I went to the dryer to retrieve our sheets and it was empty! Could it be? I rushed into Marci's room and there she was laying in bed with a big smile on her face. Of course, I peeked into my room and our bed was made, too. What a happy surprise- Marci made up both beds! She has never done this before and she warned me to not now expect it.
Gas prices might be sky high, the price of food escalating every day, people's minds might slowly slip away but tonight it was all softened with a special walk and a clean snuggly bed waiting. Thank you, God. (and Marci and Jim).

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