life is

Monday, May 19, 2008

Introducing Me!

Hey! Yeah! Here I am at last. I will blog here as often as possible on what ever is passioning my life. Right now it is work ( I am a psychotherapist), my mother (she has Alzheimer's), my writing (I have revised, again, my manuscript of Horse of Another Color), crafting ( just designed a new bag), and, well, that is about it for now. Of, of course American Idol (go-David Cook!) and Grey's Anatomy.
This last weekend I was at the Lit Fest in the Plaza here in KCMO selling my book Fantastical Tales for the Heroine's Quest . It was mucho fun sharing the booth with Lane and Louis Lambert who wrote Adventures in the Vortex and Lee Knox who wrote Ruminations from Rumania. Sold many books but it was a very long day with the sun searing and me going into a diabetic coma ( not really) drinking mocha frapacinnos and eating large, gooey chocolate chip cookies. Great fun.
See you next time!

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